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Terms and Conditions.

Bucket List Destination Tour Company 1. ABOUT RESERVATIONS All reservations must be made through our website (by filling in the reservation form) or sent via e-mail to at most 6 to 12 months in advance. The operating agency, the agent or passenger responsible for the group who has not filled out the reservation form on our website and made the reservation by email must send the following detailed information of all the members of the trip to be made: Full Name, Passport Number, Nationality, Date of birth (As it appears in the Passport), the start date of the tour, and which is the means of payment you want to use. We will send you an answer with a reservation code in addition to the data of the requested tour, at that time the reservation will be as a partial reservation until the moment of receipt of the client’s payment deposit that must be made a maximum of five days after receiving the confirmation and reservation code. Reservations are guaranteed once the receipt of the deposit in our bank account is confirmed, otherwise we reserve the right not to recognize the reservation made; When making the reservation, we must scan the document proving the deposit or transfer code.

2. TYPE OF RESERVATIONS: Individual: We call individual reservations to the quantity less than or equal to 10 passengers; Deposit of 50% of the total amount is required at the time of booking and the other 50%, 45 days before the start of the tour. Groups: We call group reservations to 10 or more passengers, in the same way, a deposit of 50% of the total amount of the reservation is required in advance and the other 50%, 60 days before the start of the tour. Payments: reservations can be paid up to 12 months before starting the tour by our company. BUCKET LIST DESTINATIONS, reserves the right to cancel the reservation and apply administrative expenses if the established deposits are not received on the dates provided by our company. For all last-minute individual and group reservations or made less than 5 days before the start of the tour, the passenger, the operating agency and/or agent, must make 100% of the total amount of the reservation. ​DATA TO CONSIGN FOR THE RESERVATION IF YOU DO BY EMAIL: The number of passengers Full name Passport number Date of birth Nationality

​3. PAYMENT METHODS: By Credit or Debit Card Wire Transfer (In the Usa) By Check By MoneyGram By Xoom

4. CANCELLATIONS OF RESERVATIONS: The client can make the cancellation of the reservation at any time, this must be issued in writing to our e-mail, if the cancellation of the reservation is before one month of starting the tour, Only 40% of your contributions will be withheld (non-refundable), if it is before 15 days of starting the tour you will lose 60% of your contributions, not counting extra expenses such as shipping, bank withholding and then you will lose 100% of your contributions (these only applicable for individual reservations); For group reservations before 2 months of starting the tour, 50% of your contributions will be discounted, before 1 month of starting the tour 70% of your contributions will be discounted, then you will lose 100% of the contribution. We recommend the use of travel and medical insurance for your safety. If a member of the group becomes ill or is disabled, we will take care of him through a qualified doctor, the expenses must be borne by the client, including hospitalization and medications if necessary. In case of an accident and/or emergency evacuation, all expenses will be covered by the client.

5. MONEY RETURNS FOR RESERVATION CANCELLATIONS OR CREDIT TO BE USED IN A FUTURE TRIP If this is the case, the refund of the money will be made directly to the payment method that the passenger used at the time of making the reservation payment, for example, if the passenger paid for his reservation using a Visa credit card, the refund will be made directly to that card. For cases of payments made via MoneyGram, we will make the deposit, but the payment for shipping rights will be deducted. you will also have the option to get a credit to be used in a future trip instead of getting your money back

​ 6. PRIVACY POLICY: We know the importance of your information, which is why our privacy policies are strict, BUCKET LIST DESTINATIONS will use this information exclusively to nominate reservation tickets, we never share this information with third parties, your information is in good hands.

7. RESPONSIBILITIES: BUCKET LIST DESTINATIONS reserves the right to modify any itinerary if really necessary, to safeguard the interests of our clients. We reserve the right to reject, accept or retain any person as a member of any of our trips. Luggage is the responsibility of the passenger during the entire trip. In the same way, we reserve the right to change some of our rates without notice, this for reasons of exchange rate or change of rates of provider companies, eg: Train, Buses, Flights. BUCKET LIST DESTINATIONS acts only with the capabilities of AGENT under the legal conditions that in the exercise provides the necessary precautionary information. Reason for which, BUCKET LIST DESTINATIONS is not responsible for damages, illness, loss, additional expenses, accidental delays, or other irregularities that may be caused by negligent or intentional acts or omissions on the part of supplier companies, related to transportation, accommodation. or other services related to the execution of the tourist program; or by natural disasters, social problems or acts of nature. The company recommends obtaining the following types of insurance: Travel insurance, Accident or disability life insurance, medical evacuation insurance.

​​8. ON PASSENGER COMPLIANCE 8.1. Acceptance and Knowledge of our Terms and Conditions The terms and conditions set out below in this document are mandatory and binding. They apply to all reservations and activities made through our website, via email or face-to-face. The use of any of these channels implies the knowledge and acceptance of them. 8.2. Modification of the terms of use Bucket list destinations reserve the right to make modifications or updates to our terms of use at any time. It’s the responsibility of the customers to review them. ​8.3. OBLIGATIONS OF PASSENGERS ESTABLISHED ACCORDING TO POLICIES OF BUCKET LIST DESTINATIONS Respond clearly and precisely to responses and requests, such as forms to be filled out by your assigned Experience Designer. Follow the instructions of the team en route. Compulsory attendance at the informative meetings, which are held prior to your tour, is essential to begin the experience en route. Comply with all the obligations set forth in these Terms and Conditions. ATTE: BUCKET LIST DESTINATIONS

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